Friday, 29 April 2011

Day Five.


Completely forgot to blog last night! The day went fine though :) I had in my head for some reason that today was a 300calz day, but i'ts a 100calz! I don't know what im goingto do...its going to be hard :/ Set myself a difficult target work-wise, but it's also the big Royal Wedding! I'm going to watch it all day <3 If i were thin, it'd be nice to have gone to a big party and wear a really nice outfit. OH WELLZ.


Thursday, 28 April 2011

Day Four.


These pics bring a tear to my eye ;)

Just got a phone call to say I'm 'not needed' in work today, so the plan is to get this horrific Shakespeare essay finished! Been listening to The OC soundtrack all day, and although I said I was going to wait 'till all my work was handed in before I made a start obsessin' over my imaginary friends, today is the day. Going to watch the first episode. Ryan <3 Summer and Marrissa are the best best friends in the world. So much better than Blair and Serena. They're even better than me and Pretty, for obvious thin reasons. I do think we could overtake them though...
I'm talking absolute rubbish! ahaha.
Maybe the delirium has begun xD
Diet wise, 400calz day, had a round of toast so far..


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Day Three.

Just checking in to say that I'm feeling like a bit of a heffer, for some reason :S I haven't done anything wrong, I don't feel hungry, but my belly isn't as flat as I think it should be! Oh well! I've had my 88calz cereal bar, then I'm going to have a carb-free can of Monster after work, then another cereal bar later on tonight. No cheatin' <3 inabit xoxo


Doin' my blog a bit early tonight, I ended up goin to prettyreckless' after work and not getting in 'till an hour ago, so I won't have got round to starting any work 'till after GossipGirl! and I'm exhausted now, so I don't know how well thats going to go...OH WELLZ.
Another good day <3 I had an 88calz cereal bar, 45calz energry drink, 100calz hot choccie and some grapefruit.
I can't beleive how easy this is. I really can't. I'm 155lbs already :)
Everything's going really well :) I've got a job now so I can save up for loads of thin clothes, and I'm on my way to a thin body to manequin them on!
GG time 5 ....
You know you love me ... xoxo

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Day Two.

When I'm thin I'm going to spen hundreds on JW lougewear, so everyone thinks I'm loaded <3

Today went well again! Hunger seems to have gone, been around food all day and wasn't at all tempted!      
Feeling really good about everything, 3lbs lighter already :) I have loads of confidence in myself because I know deep down that its now or never. Eurgh I need to stop being so depresso!
     Even though it's only ten I'm shattered! Got loads of uni work on ATM so I'm dead stressed; in a week it will all be over though, so I can spend all of my free time doing what I do best - pampering and watching DVD boxsets <3 Not sure whether to re-re-re-repeat all of The OC or make a start on 90210?! Apparently all the girls on 90210 are skinny babes, but I think Summer and Marissa are enough thinspo for me <3 It's GG Wednesday tomorrow too! Stupidly excited for that sacred hour at 8pm. I'm not from a 'priviledged' background, but I always think that if I were then i'd have been thin. I'd look like a Jack Wills girl like all the rich girls at school did; and I'd have Blair Waldorf's lifestyle. I'm a complete bitch and I think being fat has always hindered being more of a bitch? The (albeit few) occasions where I've been called fat have stuck with me.
     Got my 300calz day tomorrow all planned so I should be fine :)


Monday, 25 April 2011

10pm. BedTiime :)

Today has gone to plan :D eeeshk. Spent like an hour looking up success stories of Anna's Boot Camp, those who followed it through the whole 50 days all lost around 40lbs :| I can't even imagine that success in less than 2 months. But if all those other girls have done it then so can I!
     Later in the day I had half a cuppa soup and a tin of beans. Easy peasy:)

Two weeks after the end of the diet (June 13th) me and PrettyReckless are going on a little holiday to AltonTowers! We're going to the spa on the first day; perfect bikini and photo excuse! There're no ifs or buts about it, by the time these 50 days are up we WILL be thin, because we WILL NOT have cheated. eeeshk <3

Already planning outfits; which are BOUND to change!

Tomorrow is another 500 day, can't wait!


Day One.

Which means 500 calz. Had 10 grapes and a can of sugar free RedBull thus far; so it's going very well.
I can't wait for my thin arms and thin face <3 and blonde hair.


Sunday, 24 April 2011

21:50pm. Sunday Weigh Inn.

Getting really excited for tomorrow; 'first day of the rest of my life' and all. It actually is pretty much my last shot at losing this weight. If I make the excuses of why I can't do it now, then I always will.
     Exercise seriously needs to be my second priority too, the last thing I need is to be thin and wobbly like an old woman :| That would really take the piss. Gonna try and go to the gym as often as I can, run and cycle to shift calories and do arm weights to tone my ridiculously big arms. I think the 'gift' of an hourglass figure is cursed with horrible fat arms; possibly the worst place to carry weight? I also need to do some serious toning, i'm thinking half an hour's worth of squats, leg raises, crunches etc. twice daily should make a simple enough routine.
    Just weighed myself, starting weight is 161lb. Its so heavy. I suppose my goal weight is 120lbs, as thats the weight I have always wanted to be! That would be the perfect TopShop size 10 <3 which is my dream.



Not gonna be fat anymore! Tomorrow is the Big Day. Start of bootcamp! Going to be following the ABC diet with the support from my  BFF . Come on girls join in!

Week 1500500300400100200300
Week 2400500Fast150200400350
Week 3250200Fast200100Fast300
Week 425020015010050100200
Week 5200300800Fast250350450
Week 6Fast500450400350300250
Week 7200200250200300200150
Week 8FastSlowly return to a normal diet
